Sold out. The Mass lets me bring it down to a volume that won't bother others. Some examples of true attenuators of which I'm referring to are the Aracom units, Dr. Z Brake Lite/Air Brake, Rivera Rock Crusher, Scumback DBL, Weber MASS, etc. Weber Mass Lite 50W Speaker Attenuator. I am going to buy a Weber attenuator. my amp is a 15W (switchable to 7.5W) I was reading that the attenuators are good for more than 50W, any suggestion of brand and model? Buy used. I'll start with the Weber since that's what I've been using: the 25W Mini-Mass. The 3dB & 6dB treble boost is a handy additive as you will notice a smidge of high end loss (this is normal). Is it safe to just never turn the master above half or do I need an attenuator like the Weber 100w MASS Lite? $129.35 average used price. Description. 352. Webers are nice, but the lower priced ones absolutely kill some treble as you increase attenuation. I currently run a Weber MiniMASS 50w attenuator with headphone and line out. The main volume is controlled by the Lows-Mids knob. You could actually buy a new amp that was like your old one for the cost of a Weber MASS Lite. Uses two rack spaces. The Airbrake was 4 clicks down. $83.65; Parts / Replacement Speakers. - line out. Shipping: To be arranged . I like it a lot!. But there is indeed a bypass switch on my Weber Minimass so you can switch it out of the signalpath. I decided to pull the trigger and get an attenuator for my Marshall Vintage Modern 50w Combo. Like all Weber attenuators, setting the speaker control to minimum (maximum attenuation), allows the MASS Lite to be used as a dummy load for testing or for DI use. but your help will be much welcomed. Like all Weber attenuators, setting the speaker control to minimum (maximum attenuation), allows the MASS 200 to be used as a dummy load for testing or for DI use. I have the Weber Minimass 50W I use with my Route66. Attach these wings to the sides of your attenuator, and you can mount it in a standard 19″ rack. Five tuned guitar amp attenuation levels. $190. It has a treble compensation switch to offset . Sound's very nice, some amps bether than others (Blues Jr sounded the best in this setup,belive it or not, maybe with some more tweak?). Added in our database on: 04/20/2009. See how 3 pros use it and where to get a deal on Weber MiniMASS 50w Power Attenuator, ranked #9 in Guitar Power Attenuators and rated 4.5 of 5 on Equipboard. Where as power attenuator use a resistive load which robs you of tone the more you attenuate. At the time they recommend getting one that is double the wattage of your amp but now I think they suggest four times. baytamusic . Top. For some final context, I play with a lot of gain . 14.14V x [1000ohm / (1000ohm + 50000ohm)]=0.277V There is still over a volt at the line-out. I use an Egnater Tweaker and a 1x12 cab for home jamming and recording. Weber Mass Lite 50W Speaker Attenuator. Alan0354, Apr 6, 2014 #19. wins in every category. . Hover to zoom . I have to use it at a very low level which makes the bright MiniMASS 50w Attenuator. Weber Mass it is. Thus, for an Origin 50 or 1987x, DSL40CR, etc. I purchased the Weber Mini Mass 50 watt attenuator. Sold out. Weber MiniMASS 50w Power Attenuator, Guitar Power Attenuators. It shows some general signs of use/wear but it works excellent. Quick View. Full attenuation for up to 60W amplifiers and . I use it on my CVR. Look up the Weber MASS. Dr Z Brake Lite clone? you'd want a 100 watt attenuator. The MiniMASS employs an actual speaker motor for realistic interaction between the attenuator and the output circuit of the amplifier. Blackstar Artisan 15,Vollröhrenverstärker, handverdrahtet. please check out the weber website for info. 1 review. Jan 9, 2015. They're not cheap either. $175.00 + shipping + shipping + shipping. - treble compensation. The MASS Lite has two power level controls, one for the bass-mid frequencies and one for the upper mids-treble frequencies (MiniMASS has a Treble Boost switch - 0, 3 and 6 db boost). To drop 14V to guitar level I used a voltage divider. The line out has a bypassable three-band tone stack and separate volume control. The unit is in very good condition overall. Includes MASS bypass, line out, extra output jack, and range switch. For example, if you have a 50w high gain amp, you should opt for the MASS 200. Weber MiniMass 50W Attenuator/Load Box Review. I dont use the treble compensation swithct on my "Mass" - too coarse steps - three and 6 dB boost is too much for me. Re: Attenuators and vintage Fender amps. Last edited by Hink on Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:39 . Another long time Weber user here. Attenuators. From sellers around the web: Related Searches. Our facility in Burgaw, North Carolina is staffed by some of the industry's most well-rounded and skilled professionals; this goes for our woodworkers, pickup designers, sales reps, and everyone else. Home . In the mean time I read other forums and the Weber page, and chose the Mass Lite. Carvin Legacy, VOX AC15 and Fender Blues Jr through a Weber Mass Lite (50w), line out to interface, IR loader. I've been putting off doing something about this for far too long. Thread starter Will V. Start date Today at 5:06 PM; Sponsored by: Will V. Silver Supporting Member. Great attenuator. Price includes postage to ROI. ($196 for the Weber Mass Lite 100w and $260 for the Weber Mass 100w). Tech. £999. However, the MM tends to cut a wee bit of high end. $190. $ 181.00. . This is a Weber MiniMASS 50 watt passive attenuator - a great volume control solution for 35 watt (and under) amps. I dont use the treble compensation swithct on my "Mass" - too coarse steps - three and 6 dB boost is too much for me. Weber Mass. These are now over $180 plus shipping from Ted . Designed for use with 35w amplifiers and lower. Weber MASS series. Payment: To be arranged . Harley Benton PA-100 Power Attenuator. I've heard better things about Weber Mass's than I have about THD Hot Plates. For $100 more, you will never have to think about it. Weber Signature Series Ceramic 12F-B Speaker 12 Inch 8 OHM 50W. Ver. (there's a lot more, and I've used several of them). I'm sure the Weber's are better based on Ted's reputation for quality but they're also at least double the cost of the Bugera. Useful tool for rehearsal room, live and recording applocations. The Mass attenuator be used on 4, 8, and 16 ohm amplifiers (I've used it with a 4 ohm amp and an 8 ohm cab and it works great) Includes MASS bypass, line out, extra output jack to use more than one speaker cabinet, and range switch. Uses three rack spaces. . . Thus, for an Origin 50 or 1987x, DSL40CR, etc. Also, I've never used an attenuator before, so would something like the MASS Lite even get me down to 50w? - line out. The Weber MiniMass is a 50-watt attenuator that also doubles as a load box. I use a Weber 100 Watt Mass Lite (the red one with the low/mids and mid/high controls). This unit is equipped with 8/16 ohm selector. It uses a 4ohm Bassman output transformer. Dr. Z Brake-Lite Mounted 45-Watt Attenuator - White and Red - FREE SHIPPING. If you decide that you want to roll with the Peavey, then the best solution is to get higher wattage speakers or even a used cabinet, which again could probably be had for less than the cost of an attenuator. The unit does not require a power source. $70.00. Impedance options are 2, 4, 8 and 16 ohms, and the attenuation is continuously adjustable from -3dB to over -70db. But from what I've read the 15 watt Micro-Mass would be fine with the PJ, but not for full attenuation or when dimed. . I got it used for $90 shipped. 02-26-2014, 12:51 PM. Mass Lite (125usd for 50w) Mini Mass (100usd for 50w) Mini Mass (rear. Quick FYI, the more money you spend, the better the attenuator. Fill in the product description. But there is indeed a bypass switch on my Weber Minimass so you can switch it out of the signalpath. This is home, but 40+ watts through 4 10"s is a lot, and the higher you crank it, the better it sounds. I sold the amp and have not used this since. Treble Boost and Bypass. #1. Weber Mass Lite Attenuator - 100 Watt. works great. The problem is that as a dummy load, Weber mass should be rated way below 50W limit. #1. The reason for interest in an attenuator is to only tame my amp, not for bedroom levels. These attenuators are much like the other attenuators on the market, and provide a less natural sounding tone when heavily attenuated. So my calculations show 14V for 50W at the output of my JCM800. Felip . The "8 ohm" rating means that when the attenuator is turned all the way down it will give something sort of like an 8 ohm load to the amp. Used - Mint. At 50W, I do have some amps that will over power it, but also have amp. Product presentation. Weber Mass Lite 50W . Ideally, if you are going to dime the amp, you probably want an attenuator that's rated at quite a bit higher than the rating of your amp. I use it for a vintage 50w Marshall and my 20w Fender amps. I would NOT describe the insertionloss as huge - around 3-4 dB for me. There are also some more modern/hi-tech units that re-amp the signal and do even more fancy tricks, like the UA Ox and some . Big amp, small room. . From Weber: 50 watt MiniMASS: - 4, 8, 16 ohms compatible. Sold out. Weber Mass 50W Attenuator. Remember the 50% rule or you'll push your output transformer, tubes and burn-up the attenuator. I have recently aquired a rather lovely new amplifier! Also has the direct in(DI) with volume and bass/mid/treb equilizer. No classified. From Weber: 50 watt MiniMASS: - 4, 8, 16 ohms compatible. Merry Christmas to you and yourn! Then to control the treble, use the Mids-Highs knob. I pretty much figured that's what I'd end up with. The Mini Mass utilizes an actual speaker motor for attenuation. Here at Mojotone, we know the importance of quality materials, attention to detail, and superior customer service. Used - Mint. Here is the Mass Lite schematic. This device is a 50 watt dummy load with a headphone output jack.The headphone jack is a stereo jack wired for mono operation. It is in perfec . It's New Year's resolution time, so here goes. It uses a 4ohm Bassman output transformer. Weber claims its good for 4/8/16 ohm loads. Optional wings may be employed for rackmounting the MASS Lite. Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0. MASS 100w Attenuator. Loaded with a 'silent speaker', Weber's most robust attenuator has a main volume knob and three-position treble compensation switch. They seem to be fairly priced and well thought out. Square root of (50W x 4ohm)=14.14V. I do use my THD Hotplate to lower the volume of the amp. Model: Mini Mass 25W. What makes this attenuator unique is that it has separate mid/low and mid/high tone controls. The weber uses a motor (magnet and voice coil) from a real speaker to simulate the resistance variations found in a real speaker environment. . Weber Mass Lite 50W Attenuator- Excellent shape. Mostly, I use them . The Weber Mass units use a speaker motor and resistors which allows your amp to maintain its natural and dynamic response even with high levels of attenuation.This is the advantage of using a reactive load over a resitive load. After much soul searching I decided to try a Weber MASS Lite Attenuator. If you are looking for a unit for a Super Reverb, check out The Mass 100. $175.00 + shipping + shipping + shipping. Category: Guitar Power Attenuators. I have two Mass 200w as I spread them around the array of amp heads I use. combined with a palmer pdi-09, i can do direct recording in the middle of the night, with the attenuator maxed out, but taking the full output off the amp thru the palmer first, getting the full power output of the amp as if it were not attenuated, then running the . Originally posted by Funkfingers. The key is to first set the mid/lows for volume and then add in the mid/treble. The Weber Mass units use a speaker motor and resistors which allows your amp to maintain its natural and dynamic response even with high levels of attenuation.This is the advantage of using a reactive load over a resitive load. $129.00 . $101.00 . I've got a weber mass lite, i use with a mesa boogie mark2b, which can be a very gainy amp. The output level to the headphones is continuously adjustable. (Or low-rated DIY attenuators) I seem to recall a topic on these back on MR, any pointers/suggestions? Optional wings may be employed for rackmounting the MASS 200. I have the Weber Minimass 50W I use with my Route66. The impedance thing isn't exact with these kinds of attenuators. + $25 Shipping. Plug 'n play and adjust. GibsonSlash Senior Member. 1962 Fender Princeton (Brownie) - no need for attenuator 1992 Kendrick 2410 (5F6A Bassman) - had since I was 15. Quick View. 50 WATTS ;This attenuator has two knobs for tonal control. Many amps can reach full power at 3 or 4 on the volume dial, so it is a good suggestion to get an attenuator with 4x the power handling. $236.85. We have no technical specifications for this product. I recently picked up the unit so I could record my Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister 36 amp head directly into my audio interface and pair it with an impulse . Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. This is one of the older Mass units which are becoming quite rare. Square root of (50W x 4ohm)=14.14V. It has a treble boost switch, a two-position, not the three-position of the schematic. I shopped around and settled on a Weber Mass Lite, 50W. JCM 800 Attenuator Question. You can use the 100watt Mass Lite with a 50w amp no problem. the 50w Weber rather than 25. - MASS bypass. Weber Mass 100 watt 16 ohm guitar amp attenuator - eBay (item 270585398680 end time Jun-03-10 19:46:25 PDT) I am seriously considering this for my 50W amp [email protected] 16 ohm. That's REALLLLY loud on a DR. Quick View. Today at 5:06 PM #1 Mint condition Weber MiniMASS 50 watt (recommended for up to 35 watts RMS tube amps). 14.14V x [1000ohm / (1000ohm + 50000ohm)]=0.277V There is still over a volt at the line-out. 2010 1:42 am I figure you've read weber's site, but 50w isnt enough to crank it and play practice level, but it's cool for taking power tube OD down a few notches. 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