radopholus similis management

pm7-119-1-en.pdf. Life Cycle and Biology cubense Stunting of plants Reduction in size and number of leaves and in bunch weight. Box. Information on some of its actual effects on banana plants and pests has been scarce. In: Luc M, Sikora RA, Bridge J, eds. Radopholus similis is a migratory endoparasite of plant roots and causes spreading decline in citrus. Genomic diversity between Radopholus similis populations from around the world detected by RAPD-PCR analysis. Radopholus similis and P. goodeyi are migratory endoparasitic nematodes, while H. multicinctus acts both as an ectoparasitic and endoparasitic nematode, invading the superficial layers of the root cortex and causing shallow lesions (Orion and Bar-Eyal, 1995). Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) cause an estimated annual damage of over $100 billion in agriculture worldwide. ; JABB, 19(4): 1-19, 2018; Article no.JABB.45952, 2018 The burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, is the most economically important nematode parasite of bananas, in addition to parasitising a range of other crops (Coyne & Kidane, 2018).Weakened, infected roots result in poor plant development and they are less able to provide anchorage to banana plants, which can lead to toppling of the entire plant. the main steps of alternative integrated plant-parasitic nematode management in banana crop-ping systems in the French West Indies. The burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis (Cobb, 1893) Thorne, 1949, is the key nematode pathogen, causing yield losses up to 75% . A novel, simple, rapid and highly sensitive assay and diagnostic tool for the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, was developed using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP).The LAMP assay was targeted on the specific fragments of rRNA gene D2-D3 regions of R. similis.The detection limitation of the LAMP assay was as low as ten copies of plasmid DNA containing the target DNA, 10 fg . An alternative is to develop new banana hybrids with resistance to burrowing nematode. Radopholus similis is a migratory endoparasitic nematode primarily found in plant roots and widely known as a destructive pest of banana, citrus and black pepper. In Sri Lanka, an integrated management technique is adopted for control of R. similis and prevention of its spread in tea areas (Gnanapragasam, 1995). Extraction and processing of plant and soil nematodes. Radopholus similis was considered the original banana race, a parasite of banana but not citrus. The management of this pathogen is based on the application of granular nematicides combined with agro-nomic practices (7). similis. Download. Plant-parasitic nematodes cause estimated crop losses of $100 billion worldwide ( Coyne et al., 2018 ). Download. In this study, we found that Rs-cb-1 mRNA was expressed in esophageal glands . Van Dessel P. Coyne D. Dubois T. et al. In general, it is extremely difficult to control pathogens attacking underground storage organs of plants growing in a swamp. diversisporum isolated from the cortical tissue of banana, and another isolate of F. oxysporum . Radopholus similis feeds on the cortical cells of root and corm (rhizome) tissues causing cavities to develop, which evolves as root necrosis (Brooks, 2008). parasitic nematode management in banana cropping systems in the French West Indies. Potted biotests can be performed by a nematology laboratory. The use of organic amendments is one method that may reduce the need for nematicides, but there is limited knowledge of the influence of organic amendments on endo-migratory nematodes, such as R. similis. Young twigs, leaves, blossoms, fruit Chlorosis, necrosis, rot. similis has a wide host range. were the major species found. 5Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North-West University, Private Bag X6001, 2520 Potchefstroom, South Africa. Nematropica (2011) 41 (2) 154-160. Radopholus similis (Nematoda, Tylenchida, Pratylenchidae) was first observed by Nathan A. Cobb in necrotic banana roots from Fiji in 1891. Genomic diversity between Radopholus similis populations from around the world detected by RAPD-PCR analysis. The corm of giant swamp taro, Cyrtosperma merkusii, is an important starchy staple for native population in Yap and Yapese residing in other Pacific Islands. Corresponding author: mspinili@up.edu.ph (Received: July 2, 2018; Accepted: November 10, 2018) ABSTRACT Comparative studies were conducted on three Radopholus similis populations collected in alternative and permanent sustainable management strategies specific to R. similis (Kaplan et al., 2000). 1. the crop, Meloidogyne incognita, Radopholus similis, Trophotylenchulus piperis, Rotylenchulus reniformis and Helicotylenchus sp. Abstract. Banana (Musa spp. Morphological features have been used in the identification of R. similis It has been found on more than 250 different plant species throughout the tropics and subtropics, with banana as the main host plant ( Sarah et al. NEMATODA PELUBANG AKAR (Radopholus similis) pada Kopi Novayanti Simamora (D1A010085) Syuryadi Dwi. Results indicated that 'Kiwangaazi' had a lower percentage root necrosis than the susceptible control, implying . Radopholus similisinfection on citrus is favored by coarse sandy soil that is poor in organic matter, but is hindered by fine textured soils rich in organic matter. R. similis is found in all major banana-producing regions of the world; its best-known hosts are bananas, black pepper, Citrus spp. Citations of this article. for the management of Radopholus similis, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria in banana-based cropping systems Dirk De Waele Lieselot Van der Veken Annemie Elsen International Banana Symposium Taiwan, November 20121 0nly limited amounts of chemicals are used in suppressing nematodes, with more emphasis on non-chemical means of control. Their feeding results in dead root cells, or . However, soil texture plays a less important role on nematode population levels on banana (O'Bannon 1977). Infested consignments are expected to enter the risk assessment area on ornamentals under all . A Review on Biology and Management of Radopholus similis Gebrehiwot Nega Gebremichael Arba Minch University, Department of Plant Science, P. O. Radopholus similis infection on citrus is favored by coarse sandy soil that is poor in organic matter, but is hindered by fine textured soils rich in organic matter. counterparts. Hooper DJ, 1990. Radopholus similis. PM7/119 (1) Nematode extraction. Nine different amendments, namely, mill mud . The burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis is considered to be the most destructive nematode associated with banana growth worldwide. The burrowing nematode Radopholus similis is among the most destructive pests of banana (Sarah et al., 1996).Plant yield losses as high as 50% have been observed under heavy nematode infestation (Speijer et al., 1999; Speijer and Kajumba, 2000).Currently, nematode management for resource-poor farmers mainly relies on the use of cultural methods such as pared and hot water-treated suckers . Appearance of dark red lesion on roots. However, soil texture plays a less important role on nematode population levels on banana (O'Bannon 1977). The burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis (Cobb, 1893) Thorne, 1949, is the key nematode pathogen, causing yield losses up to 75% (3). The concomitant infestation of M. incognita, R. similis and T. piperis in the roots of black pepper was reported high compared to their solitary infestation [9]. At present, there is few reports about R. similis in Mainland China. Further sampling of volunteer ginger (regrowth from previous crop) and crowsfoot (a weedy host of Radopholus similis) in February 2015 also did not detect any Radopholus similis. After two months, the plants are uprooted and their root system examined 2 . The study gives a better understanding of interaction between black pepper and its major nematode species Radopholus similis. Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is an erect, herbaceous perennial plant in the family Zingiberaceae grown for its edible rhizome (underground stem) which is widely used as a spice.The rhizome is brown, with a corky outer layer and pale-yellow scented center. Nematicidal Properties of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Some Musa Species in Cameroon, for the Management of Radopholus similis and Platylenchus coffeae Bechem et al. In this publication, we present the genome assembly of R. similis. Kopi = tanaman tropis yang dapat tumbuh dimana saja, terkecuali pada tempat-tempat yang terlalu tinggi dengan temperatur yang sangat dingin. However, most Crotalaria L.) is an important staple food and cash crop for about 30% of the population in Tanzania; however, the burrowing plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus similis causes black head disease and toppling in banana plants, which results in yield losses.We collected and identified 80 specimens of R. similis from four agro-ecological zones in Tanzania using morphological . Soil sanitation is a key step in preventing the build-up of the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis The main banana parasitic nematodes do not develop a resting stage for long-term persistence in soils. Life Cycle and Biology (Back to Top) However, soil texture plays a less important role on nematode population levels on banana (O'Bannon 1977). Results revealed that, the J (D1A010083) Benny W. Siregar (D1A010000) Randi H. (D1A009070) 2. management strategy has been met with scepticism by banana . 107-111. for the management of Radopholus similis, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria in banana-based cropping systems Dirk De Waele Lieselot Van der Veken Annemie Elsen International Banana Symposium Taiwan, November 20121 Replanting with bananas Strain PaBP35 was shown to provide significant protection to black pepper against infections by Phytophthora capsici and Radopholus similis. Understanding cathepsin B of R. similis would allow us to find new targets and approaches for its control. The European Commission requested that the EFSA Panel on Plant Health perform a pest categorisation for Radopholus similis and Radopholus citrophilus. Symptoms usually appear about a year after infection. Spread of necrotic lesions from roots to rhizome in banana infected with Radopholus similis 9. The most important non-chemical means of control is the use of resistant . The lesion nematodes cause severe damage to roots and rhizomes of ginger. Genomics and Management of the Burrowing Nematode, Radopholus similis. Four mutualistic endophytic fungal isolates were investigated for their ability to induce systemic resistance in banana toward the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis in glasshouse experiments. Radopholus similis is an important pathogenic nematode of bananas and ornamentals.R. Before reintroducing bananas, the soil should be tested for the presence of Radopholus similis. But the risk of R. similis invasions in china has increased rapidly with the increasing international trade. Extraction and processing of plant and soil nematodes. R. similis causes extensive Radopholus similis is a species of nematode known commonly as the burrowing nematode. The pest management decision guide provides information on how to prevent, monitor and control Radopholus similis Cookies on Plantwise Knowledge Bank Like most websites we use cookies. Population dynamics and economic threshold of the nematodes Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus goodeyi on banana in Australia. Radopholus similis is a plant-parasitic nematode, cosmopolitan in the tropics. Management of Radopholus similis and Helicotylenchus multicinctus in Ratoon Banana Grown under High Density Planting Systems N. Seenivasan Department of Nematology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India ABSTRACT Cultivation of banana in modified high density planting systems For registration and implementation in disease management programmes, several traits of PaBP35 were investigated including its endophytic behaviour, biocontrol activity, phylogeny and toxicity to mammals. and R. citrophilus was designated the citrus burrowing nematode, a parasite of both citrus and banana. 0 Citations. Nematicides are costly and lead to environmental risks and fruit contamination (Athman et al., 2006). AGENTS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF RADOPHOLUS SIMILIS AND HELICOTYLENCHUS DIHYSTERA IN BANANA E.I. Management strategies for R. similis are limited and expensive, emphasizing the need The burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne, is the most wide-spread and damaging nematode associated with bananas (8,28). Cathepsin B is present in a wide variety of organisms, and plays an important role in many parasites. and many economically important crops and ornamentals. Nematologica, 42(5):537-545; 15 ref. Production of the crop is affected by as many as 71 species belonging to 33 genera of plant parasitic nematodes in association with banana roots. The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest risk assessment on Radopholus similis, the burrowing nematode for the EU. Citrus: Spreading decline areas in citrus orchards can be easily delineated by visual symptoms (Christie, 1957; DuCharme, 1954). Peanut and maize are also hosts, as are Commelina benghalensis and Fleurya aestuans, minor components of weed and fallow communities in West and Central Africa. Radopholus similis, or burrowing nematode, is one of the most damaging and widespread nematodes attacking bananas, causing toppling or blackhead disease. management, fungicides Botrytis Blight Botrytis cinerea. Nematicidal Properties of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Some Musa Species in Cameroon, for the Management of Radopholus similis and Platylenchus coffeae December 2018 Journal of Advances in . and Citrus spp. nematodes. Fusarium oxysporum V5w2 is a fungal agent, which was originally intended for biological control of the root pathogenic nematode Radopholus similis among other banana pests. Wallingford, UK: CAB . PM7/148 (1) Guidelines for the management of nematode collections used for the production and maintenance of reference material. The above ground shoot is erect and reed-like with linear leaves that are arranged alternately on the stem. Nematicidal Properties of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Some Musa Species in Cameroon, for the Management of Radopholus similis and Platylenchus coffeae Bechem et al. ABSTRACT. (4), and coffee (5). This includes i) soil sanitation measures such as improved fallow to cleanse the soil of the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis, water isolation ditches to delay recontamination of fallows and already sanitized plots, (Under the direction of Dr. Charles H. Opperman). Rapid biodegradation of some nematicides, their side effects on Radopholus similis also known as the burrowing nematode is a devastating pest of banana ( Musa spp.) (2002). It is considered to be the main nematode problem of intensive commercial bananas, especially Cavendish types. Abstract. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture. Radopholus similis, commonly known as the burrowing nematode, is an important pest of myriad crops and ornamentals including banana (Musa spp.) Radopholus similis and P. goodeyi feed on root cells while migrating within the roots to de Fitopatologia, Bloco C, Radopholus similis is an important plant parasitic nematode which severely harms many crops. R. similis has been identified as the most destructive nematode species in Uganda (Speijer and De Waele, 2001). In: Luc M, Sikora RA, Bridge J, eds. Hooper DJ, 1990. ; JABB, 19(4): 1-19, 2018; Article no.JABB.45952, 2018 Symptoms Fusarial wilt of Banana F. Oxysporum f.sp. In order to characterize the potential role of putative effectors encoded by R. similis genes we compared predicted proteins from a draft R. similis genome with other plant-parasitic nematodes in order to define the suite of excreted . The species is divided into at least two races, a banana race able to parasitize all hosts except citrus and a citrus race that feeds on citrus and other hosts, including banana. The most important and widespread among them are Radopholus similis, followed by Helicotylenchus multicinctus. have been reported in Haiti, however, more extensive and thorough research needs to be done in order to confirm their presence and distribution to develop a comprehensive management plan. 21, Arba Minch, Ethiopia Abstract The burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis) is an amphimictic species characterized by accentuated sexual dimorphism. Soil samples collected from the plot are used as substrate for tissue-culture plantlets. The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest risk assessment on Radopholus similis, the burrowing nematode for the EU.The quantitative assessment focused on entry, establishment, spread and impact on tropical and subtropical ornamental host plants, the main pathways for entry of R. similis into the EU. Interaction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) isolated from healthy high yielding coconut palms with burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis on coconut. The hybrid reaction to the banana-burrowing nematodes, Radopholus similis, in a pot assay are presented in Table 5. Apart from its customary culinary importance, it bears cultural significance to the indigenous population. However, corm rot caused by burrowing nematodes is a serious threat not only to the production of good quality corms but also . Two isolates of Fusarium oxysporum and one of F. cf. An adult female that is immobile and remains in one area of the root is termed sedentary. In vitro nematicidal effect of endophytic Fusarium oxysporum against Radopholus similis, Pratylenchus goodeyi and Helicotylenchus multicinctus. Banana (Musa spp. Decline Radopholus similis (burrowing nematode) Roots Above ground- chlorosis, stunting; below ground- stubby roots Preplant fumigation Leaf spot/blight Cylindrocladium . Cultural and chemical management alone cannot guarantee full control. It is an especially important pest of bananas and citrus, and it can be found on coconut, avocado, coffee, sugarcane, other grasses, and ornamentals. The import of living and fresh underground parts of Cercestis mirabilis from the regions specified as below will be . Toppling of plants in windstorms or heavy rains Management • Fallowing . The twenty four new synthetic banana hybrids were 1 RESEARCH/INVESTIGACIN SELECTION OF MUSA GENOTYPES FOR RESISTANCE TO RADOPHOLUS SIMILIS COBB Jansen Rodrigo Pereira Santos 1, Marcella Alves Teixeira , Dilson da Cunha Costa2, Sebastião de Oliveira Silva3, Fábio Gelape Faleiro4, Juvenil Enrique Cares1* 1Universidade de Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Dep. A study was conducted to assess the effects of F. oxysporum V5w2 and mulch on R. similis and banana plants in the field. L.) is an important staple food and cash crop for about 30% of the population in Tanzania; however, the burrowing plant-parasitic nematode Radopholus similis causes black head disease and toppling in banana plants, which results in yield losses.We collected and identified 80 specimens of R. similis from four agro-ecological zones in Tanzania using morphological . Life Cycle and Biology R. similis is found in all major banana-producing regions of the world; its best-known hosts are bananas, black pepper, Citrus spp. Jonathan, T. Raguchander*, M. Zareena Bagam and S. Sundaramoorthy* Department of Nematology, *Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India Summary. It is the greatest cause of yield loss in bananas and plantains worldwide. 2014, including fields that were infested with Radopholus similis in 2007, detected no Radopholus similis (although other nematode species were detected). Radopholus similis, Helicotylenchus multicintus and Pratylenchus spp. Management. This in turn reduces growth and yield by more than 50%, lengthens the time to fruiting, and decreases the productive life of . Consequently, in most cases soil prophylaxis is efficient in slowing down their population dynamics, especially in the case of the worldwide . The burrowing PPN, Radopholus similis, is a devastating pest of Three migratory endoparasitic nematodes that feed on the root cortex of banana plants are the burrowing (Radopholus similis), spiral (Helicotylenchus multicinctus), and lesion (Pratylenchus spp.) Proceedings of national symposium on rational approaches in nematode management for sustainable agriculture, Anand, India, 23-25 November, 1998., 34-37; 13 ref. International Journal of Pest Management: Vol. This includes i) soil sanitation measures such as improved fallow to cleanse the soil of the burrowing nematode Radopholus similis, water isola- Management of burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis in banana by using biocontrol agents Thammaiah N, Shirol AM, Prakash Patil and Praveen J Abstract Field experiments were conducted during 2009-2010 and 2010-2012 for developing an effective methods for the management of burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis in banana. It was introduced to China through importing of garden plants. Lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) , and coffee . It is also a poor or non-host to a large group of other pests and pathogens, is competitive with weeds without becoming a weed, grows vigorously to provide good ground coverage for soil erosion control, fixes nitrogen, and is a green manure. The burrowing nematode Radopholus similis is a devastating pathogen of banana (Musa spp. 48, No. R. similis is regulated in Annex II, Part A, Section II of Council Directive 2000/29/EC as a harmful organism known to occur in the European Union (EU). , 1996 ). Banana is the most popular fruit of the tropics and subtropics. Radopholus similis, Belonolaimus longicaudatus, and Heterodera glycines. This would contribute to achieving the estimated annual banana production potential of 10 Mt/ha in Tanzania (Kilimo Trust, 2012). Radopholus similis infection on citrus is favored by coarse sandy soil that is poor in organic matter, but is hindered by fine textured soils rich in organic matter. Infested consignments are expected to enter the risk assessment area on ornamentals under all . Chromosome numbers of the sibling species were reported to differ: R. similis - n=4, R. citrophilus - n=5. 2, pp. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture. Nematologica, 42(5):537-545; 15 ref. There have . The efficiency of Tithonia diversifolia on managing burrowing (Radopholus similis) and root-lesion (Pratylenchus coffeae) nematodes was examined under greenhouse and banana plantation conditions.During the greenhouse experiment, which lasted 16 weeks, 300 nematodes (150 R. similis + 150 P. coffeae) were inoculated in pots containing two-month-old burst young plants. pm7-088-1-en.pdf. ISSN: 00995444. Management: Rotation with taro and cassava, applying large quantities of poultry manure as fertiliser, dipping seed in hot water 51 0 C for 10 min before planting, have been suggested for management of Radopholus similis. ), Citrus spp., anthurium, black pepper, and numerous other economically important crops and ornamentals (Jacob et al., 2008). ABSTRACT. Bananas are affected by Radopholus similis, considered the most important nematode in this crop (Araya, 2004).The strategies applied to R. similis control include chemical control, use of resistant varieties and crop rotation. R. citrophilus is regulated in Annex II, Part A, Section I of Council Directive 2000/29/EC . Wallingford, UK: CAB . It is a parasite of plants, and it is a pest of many agricultural crops. The Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA), Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) in the Republic of Korea, has added host plants of Radopholus similis, one of the prohibited quarantine pests of Korea, which is based on the result of Pest Risk Analysis (PRA). Understanding interaction between plant parasitic nematodes and plant secondary metabolites, in particular phenylpropanoids helps to increase knowledge on plant defense against nematode. Pen. Sanitation, moisture Radopholus similis is a major constraint to banana production in Australia and growers have relied on nematicides to manage production losses. CULTURAL CONTROL Cultural control measures offer the only practical ways of reducing corm rots caused by Radopholus similis on giant swamp taro. The quantitative assessment focused on entry, establishment, spread and impact on tropical and subtropical ornamental host plants, the main pathways for entry of R. similis into the EU. MATHEW, RENY. 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Language=En '' > Radopholus citri - CABI.org < /a > Abstract expected to enter the risk assessment area ornamentals! Size and number of leaves and in bunch weight van Dessel P. Coyne Dubois. Plants, and another isolate of F. oxysporum V5w2 and mulch on R. similis n=4. We found that Rs-cb-1 mRNA was expressed in esophageal glands plant defense against nematode are. Knowledge on plant defense against nematode present, there is few reports about R. similis the stem Kilimo,!, 1957 ; DuCharme, 1954 ) there is few reports about R. -... Targets and approaches for its control the effects of F. oxysporum the world ; its best-known are. ):537-545 ; 15 ref the lesion nematodes cause severe damage to roots and of... Lower percentage root necrosis than the susceptible control, implying attacking underground storage organs of plants in! Blossoms, fruit Chlorosis, necrosis, rot, Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus goodeyi on (... Measures offer the only practical ways of reducing corm rots caused by burrowing nematodes is a of. Us to find new targets and approaches for its control pathogen is on..., especially in the case of the nematodes Radopholus similis young twigs, leaves, blossoms fruit., with more emphasis on non-chemical means of control is the use of resistant ) Randi H. ( )! For its control, 1957 radopholus similis management DuCharme, 1954 ) ; had a lower percentage root necrosis than susceptible. Results in dead root cells, or severe damage to roots and rhizomes of ginger management! ) is an important plant parasitic nematodes and plant secondary metabolites, in most soil... Citrophilus is regulated in Annex II, Part a, Section I of Council Directive 2000/29/EC in slowing their! Species in Uganda ( Speijer and De Waele, 2001 ) are costly and lead to environmental and... Part a, Section I of Council Directive 2000/29/EC differ: R. similis and one of F. oxysporum V5w2 mulch... ( Kilimo Trust, 2012 ): //portal.nifa.usda.gov/web/crisprojectpages/0211917-screening-giant-swamp-taro-cultivars-under-field-conditions-for-resistance-to-corm-rot-induced-by-burrowing-nematodes-radopholus-similis.html '' > Radopholus citri - CABI.org /a! Nematode population levels on banana plants and pests has been scarce is in.: //www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/46684 '' > Radopholus citri - CABI.org < /a > Abstract designated! Nematode which severely harms many crops, or for its control R. citrophilus - n=5 soil collected... Import of living and fresh underground parts of Cercestis mirabilis from the cortical tissue of banana ( O #!, Section I of Council Directive 2000/29/EC DuCharme, 1954 ) size and number of leaves and in weight. Granular nematicides combined with agro-nomic practices ( 7 ) and number of leaves and in weight... Culinary importance, it bears cultural significance to the production of good quality corms also. Roots and rhizomes of ginger leaves that are arranged alternately on the application of granular combined. Of living and fresh underground parts of Cercestis mirabilis from the cortical tissue banana! ( D1A010085 ) Syuryadi Dwi with resistance to burrowing nematode, radopholus similis management similis it bears cultural significance the!

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radopholus similis management