subprogram - Most natural for dynamic-scoped . static depth : an integer associated with a static scope that indicates how deeply it is nested in the outermost scope. Treat subprogram calls and definitions like variable references and definitions Issues with Static Chains • Problems: 1. The referencing environment of a statement in a static-scoped language is the variables declared in its local scope plus the collection of all variables of its ancestor scopes that are visible. When a subprogram is placed within another subprogram,it gets hide from the rest of the program. Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. Apr 22 '12 at 22:56. • A binding is an association, such as between an attribute and an entity, or between an operation and a symbol. static links that connects certain activation record instances Static_depth is an integer associated with a static scope representing the scope's nesting depth The chain_offset or nesting_depth of a non-local reference is the difference between the . Static link - to the static parent (where the subprogram is declared). subprogram definitions, which create nested static scopes (e.g., Ada, . It is more convenient and it provides more flexibility than static scoping. Dynamic scope — scope based on run-time call sequence. !Static scope rules require that the reference resolve to the most recent, compile-time binding, namely the global variable a! Evaluation of Static Chains •Problems: 1. The dynamic scope of an association always includes the subprogram activation in which that association is created as part of the local environment. Static Scoping •A static chainis a chain of static links that connects certain activation record instances •The static linkin an activation record instance for subprogram A points to one of the activation record instances of A's static parent •The static chain from an activation record instance connects it to all of its static ancestors Static scope is binding names to non-local variables. Given the following calling sequences and assuming that dynamic scoping is used, what variables are visible during execution of the last subprogram activated? The dynamic scope of an association for an identifier : the set of subprogram activations in which the association is visible during execution. The scope of a variable is the range of statements over which it is visible. Frame Structure: return address dynamic link static link (when using static scoping) Chain_offset is the length of static depth of the subprogram containing the reference to X and declaration for X. . An explicit declaration is a program statement used for declaring the types of variables. for static scope; and deep and shallow access for dynamic scope [10]. Answer : Dynamic scope can be determined only at run time. • tied to the dynamic chain of subprogram activations. subprogram definitions, which create nested static scopes (e.g., Ada, . Search the dynamic chain 2. Static scope rules relate references A variable is visible in a statement . Considering the recent declaration of x in sub1, static scoping of x in sub1 will remain in sub1 while for sub2 and sub3 static scope will be in sub1 and main respectively. Dynamic scope: Dynamic scope refers to scope of a variable is defined at run time rather than at compile time. Of course, the space for the static and dynamic links and the return address will be wasted. ♦ : 20-CS-3003: Programming Languages: Covers various significant concepts and features in the design and implementation of modern programming languages. 14. Main calls Sub1; Sub1 calls Sub2; Sub2 calls Sub3 Answer: Variables that are visible at the last function call: ANSWER : The lifetime of a variable is the time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. (10 Points) • The lifetime of a variable is the time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. • Binding time is the time at which a binding takes place. While a subprogram is executing, its variables are visible to all subprograms it calls 2. 1. It is more convenient and it provides more flexibility than static scoping. Since h is declared inside the global scope, the innermost x is the one in the global scope(it has no access to the xs in f and g, since it was not declared inside them), so the program prints 14 twice.. The lifetime begins when it is bound to a specific cell and ends when it is unbound from that cell. What is a dynamic ancestor of a subprogram? • A subprogram declaration provides the protocol, but not the body, of the subprogram • A formal parameter is a dummy variable listed in the subprogram header and used in the subprogram • An actual parameter represents a value or address used in the subprogram call statement Actual/Formal Parameter Correspondence • Positional Static vs. Impossible to statically type check. Dynamic Scope •Based on calling sequences of program units, not their textual layout Answer : 3. Find the correct activation record instance Static and Dynamic Scope The dynamic scope of an association for an identifier: • the set of subprogram activations in which the association is visible during execution. The referencing environment of a statement in a static-scoped language is the variables declared in its local scope plus the collection of all variables of its ancestor scopes that are visible. Scope is the range of statements in which the variable is visible. Answer : - Lifetime: A time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. guaranteed to exist (or we couldn't have called the subprogram at all; that's the only time & place the function was in scope). How is a reference to a nonlocal variable in a static-scoped program con- nected to its definition? Static scope refers to scope of a variable is defined at compile time itself that is when the code is compiled a variable to bounded to some block. What are the two steps in locating a nonlocal variable in a static-scoped language with stack-dynamic local variables and nested subprograms? Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. • If not found, search scope of the caller (and, repeat as necessary). ~ A static chain is a chain of static links to connect certain ARIs. • The r-value of a variable is its value. 42. The dynamic chain links together all subprogram activation record instances in the reverse of the order in which they were activated. Static scope — scope based on source pgm text (static ancestors). Static scoping is so named because the scope of a variable can be statically determined—that is, prior to execution. Include with each visible variable the name of the unit where it is declared. Include with each visible variable the name of the unit where it is declared a. •The static linkin an activation record instance for subprogram A points to one of the activation record instances of A's static parent •The static chain from an activation record instance connects it to all of its static ancestors •Static_depthis an integer associated with a static scope whose value is the depth of nesting of that scope What is a static ancestor of a subprogram? For example, in some cases, some parameters passed from one subprogram to another are variables that are defined in the caller. A nonlocal reference is slow if the nesting depth is large 2. 14. The referencing environment of a statement in a static-scoped language is the variables declared in its local scope plus the collection of all variables of its ancestor scopes that are visible. Static Scoping •A static chain is a chain of static links that connects certain activation record instances •The static link in an activation record instance for subprogram A points to one of the activation record instances of A's static parent •The static chain from an activation record instance connects it to all of its static ancestors A binding is dynamic if it first occurs during execution or can change during execution of the program. 17. • Possible binding times: • Language design time: bind operator symbols to operations. Static Scoping • A static chain is a chain of static links that connects certain activation record instances . The Concept of Binding • The l-value of a variable is its address. = Lifetime: A time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. Parameters; Local variables. The alternative is to leave out the static and dynamic links and the return address, which saves space but makes accesses to block variables different from subprogram locals. Dynamic scope is a scope that is based on run-time call sequence. 6. Include with each visible variable the name of the unit where it is declared. A static scope rule is a rule for determining the static scope of a declaration. the part of the program text where the declared identifier is used. 4. b. • This method is called deep access, because access may require searches deep into the stack. Treat subprogram calls and definitions like variable references and definitions. - Bound to storage only during subprogram activation • Parameters in subprogram headers are called . Scope is generally divided into two categories: 1.Static Scope. In this video, we will discuss examples of static and dynamic scoping. In a statically scoped compiled language, the name of a variable is not kept in the executable program: the compiler eliminates all names in favor of addresses or base-address-offset pairs. In contrast, dynamic scope requires the programmer to anticipate all possible dynamic contexts. 17. What are the two steps in locating a nonlocal variable in a static-scoped language with stack-dynamic local variables and nested subprograms? Poor readability- it is not possible to statically. For example, in some cases, some parameters passed from one subprogram to another are variables that are defined in the caller. Since languages t hat allow nested subprogram definitions are a generalization of those that Dynamic scoping means that x refers to the x declared in the most recent frame of the call . visibility; May be static or dynamic Binding ↑ ↓ Binding is the association of one thing with another thing ; e.g., a variable with its attributes or an operator and a symbol. b, z in sub2, y in sub1. Scope - The range of statements over which a variable is visible; e.g. What is a dynamic ancestor of a subprogram? A nonlocal areference is slow if the and i know what implementations to static scoping are there besides static chaining but it is still the most widely used, give me another reason so i can use another way for implementation. Static scope is binding names to non-local variables. Treat subprogram calls and definitions like variable references and definitions 17. 13. The lifetime begins when it is bound to a specific cell and ends when it is unbound from that cell. b, z in sub2, y in sub1. 13. ANSWER : The lifetime of a variable is the time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. . Dynamics scoe is based on the calling sequence of subprograms, not on their spatial relationship to each other. . Describe the deep-access method of implementing dynamic scoping. The dynamic link is just the old stack top pointer; The static link must point to the most recent AR of the static parent; Two methods: Search the dynamic chain Treat subprogram calls and definitions the same as variable references and definitions What is a static ancestor of a subprogram? What is a dynamic ancestor of a subprogram? Scope: The range of statements in which the variable is visible. Dynamic Scope Example • Dynamic Scope Variable resolution • Search current scope. Algol 68, Pascal, Ada, JavaScript, Python, Ruby allows nesting of subprogram. • The dynamic chain links all subprogram activation record instances in the reverse of the order in which they were activated. However, this static parent procedure . The static scope of a declaration. The environment of the definition of the passed subprogram - Most natural for static-scoped languages •Ad hoc binding: The environment of the call statement that passed the subprogram. The scope of a variable is the range of statements over which it is visible. What is a static ancestor of a subprogram? static depth : an integer associated with a static scope that indicates how deeply it is nested in the outermost scope. Residing of a subprogram under another subprogram is known as nested subprogram. !Dynamic scope rules, on the other hand, require that we choose the most recent, active binding at run time »!Example use: implicit parameters to subroutines »! A variable is visible in a statement if it can be referenced in that statement. The referencing environment of a statement in a static-scoped language is the variables declared in its local scope plus the collection of all variables of its ancestor scopes that are visible. Implementing Dynamic Scoping One way that local variables and non-local references can be implemented in a dynamic-scoped language: •Deep Access: non-local references are found by searching the activation record . Variables appear in an if statement can be referenced in the statement. Summary (continued) •Static scoping provides a simple, reliable, and efficient method of allowing visibility of nonlocal variables in subprograms •Dynamic scoping provides more flexibility than static scoping but at expense of readability, reliability, and efficiency •Referencing environment of a statement is the collection of all the . Static scope: Static scope is also called lexical scope. tied to the dynamic chain of subprogram activations. Scope: The range of statements in which the variable is visible. The dynamic scope of an association for an identifier, and as defined, is that set of subprogram activation in which the association is visible during execution. Scope Example. a. main calls sub1; sub1 calls sub2; sub2 calls sub3.Answer: a x w in sub3. + the compiler must generate code to cause implicit allocation and de-allocation of local variables at runtime + an activation record instance is dynamically created when a subprogram is called + the activation record format is fixed, but its size may be dynamic + the a declaration of a stack dynamic variable does not change the size of the . What is a static ancestor of a subprogram? (Under Static Scope) Three possibilities: Shallow Binding (Not suitable for nested subprograms for Static Scope Rule) The environment of the call statement that ENACTS the passed subprogram. The definition of a procedure may be directly nested within only one procedure, called its static parent procedure. The static scope of a declaration : the part of the program text where the declared identifier is used. As in the dynamic scoping the compiler or interpreter finds the correct instance of variable in use at its actual location so the dynamic scoping for a reference to x in . One of the basic reasons of scoping is to keep variables in different parts of program distinct from one another. Problem Set. The dynamic link is a pointer to the base of the activation record for the enclosing scope of the activated subprogram. 2.Dynamic Scope. Lifetime: A time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. Parameters Local variables. . nesting depth/chain offset : the difference between the static depth of the subprogram containing the reference to X and the static depth of the subprogram contining the declaration for X. 4. Static and Dynamic links in Activation Records Languages that allow nested subprograms like Pascal, Modula, Ada, and even those that don't like C, C++ and Java have run-time activation of subprograms that are managed with a stack of Activation Record Instances (ARIs). Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. If the "amount" of program is determined spatially, that is static (sometimes called "lexical") scope. (more natural for dynamic scope) Deep Binding (Choice) The environment in which the passed subprogram is defined, which is consistent with the normal . ~The static chain from ARI connects it to all of its static ancestors ~Static_depth is an integer associated with a static scope whose value is the depth of nesting of that scope. a. main calls sub1; sub1 calls sub2; sub2 calls sub3.Answer: a x w in sub3. Answer : The static link in an ARI for subprogram A points to one of the ARIs of A's static parent. Static scope: Static scope is also called lexical scope. The Scope of a variable is the range of statements in which the variable is visible. Example: Static versus Dynamic Scoping ! The static chain must be modified for each subprogram call and return . Dynamic link - to the caller of this subprogram. Evaluation of Dynamic Scoping: Advantage: convenience. . • With nested subprograms and static scoping, restricted access to non-local variables is 13. Given the following calling sequences and assuming that dynamic scoping is used, what variables are visible during execution of the last subprogram activated? Disadvantages: While a subprogram is executing, its variables are visible to all subprograms it calls. still need dynamic links also need static links (when scoping is static): pointer of most recent active frame of the direct parent-scope. Search the dynamic chain 2. Scope - Static and Dynamic . 4. • The scope of a variable is the range of statements over which it is visible. subprogram is organized as an activation record. determine the type of a variable Static scope is a scope that is based on program text and link reference to a variable name. Static scope is binding names to non-local variables. In this video, we will discuss examples of static and dynamic scoping. The scope of a variable is the region of the program in which variable is declared and used. Answer : The static ancestors of a subprogram sub () are all the procedures in the program within which the procedure sub () is defined, i.e., the definition of the procedure sub () is nested. dynamic chain of subprogram activations. The referencing environment of a statement in a static-scoped language is the variables declared in its local scope plus the collection of all variables of its ancestor scopes that are visible. - Scope: The range of statements in which the variable is visible. . The dynamic link is just the old stack top pointer; The static link must point to the most recent AR of the static parent; Two methods: Search the dynamic chain Treat subprogram calls and definitions the same as variable references and definitions Topics include various parameter passing mechanisms, dynamic and static scope rules, dynamic and static binding of subprogram names to subprogram bodies, dynamic and static data typing, eager and lazy expression evaluation, procedural and . nesting depth/chain offset : the difference between the static depth of the subprogram containing the reference to X and the static depth of the subprogram contining the declaration for X. This is a property of the program text and is unrelated to the run-time call stack. • In the case of dynamic scoping, the dynamic links - rather than the static links - are followed. C, do not allow subprogram nesting. Chapter 9: Subprograms 30 Overloading An overloaded subprogramis one that has the same name as another subprogram in the same referencing environment C++ and Ada have overloaded subprograms built-in, and users can write their own overloaded subprograms In contrast, dynamic scope requires the programmer to anticipate all possible dynamic contexts. This concept is similar to that of accessing nonlocal variables in a static-scoped language with nested subprograms, except that the dynamic—rather than the static—chain is followed. 16. Search the dynamic chain 2. Note: This requiresthunksfor static scoping ("deep binding"). In most of the programming languages including C, C++ and Java, variables are always statically (or lexically) scoped i.e., binding of a variable can be determined by program text and is independent of the run-time function call stack. The static chain from an ARI connects it to all of its static ancestors To find the declaration for a reference to a nonlocal variable: The compiler can easily determine how many levels of scope separate the current subprogram from the definition = The static ancestors of a subprogram sub() are all the procedures in the program within which the . Static Scope •Based on program text •Scope of a variable can be statically determined (prior to execution) . 13. Dynamic Scope •Based on calling sequences of program units, not their textual layout If it is determined temporally, that is dynamic scope. Scope — portions of pgm variable can be referenced or set. Static Scoping of Nested subprograms . • Static scope is binding names to non-local variables. Two pointers are used in activation records to enable management of the The static scope of a declaration is that part of the program text where a use of the identifier is a reference to that particular declaration of the identifier. Impossible to statically type check 3. ~ The static link for subprogram A points to one of the ARIs of A's static parent. What is a dynamic ancestor of a subprogram? Static scoping also makes it much easier to make a modular code as a programmer can figure out the scope just by looking at the code. Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. - Local variables can be either static or stack-dynamic - Stack dynamic variables are essential to recursive . Lifetime: A time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location. 2. The scope of a variable is the range of statements over which it is visible. What is a static ancestor of a subprogram? Static and Dynamic Scope. Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. 3. - The static link will point to the most recent activation record of the static parent - Two methods to construct the static link: 1. Static depth is an interger associated with a static scope that indicated how deeply it is nested in the outermost scope. 17. A variable is visible in a statement . Therefore, the dynamic . Dynamic link - to the caller of this subprogram. Find the correct activation record instance Static scoping means that x refers to the x declared innermost scope of declaration that has one. Static link - to the static parent (where the subprogram is declared). Given the following calling sequences and assuming that dynamic scoping is used, what variables are visible during execution of the last subprogram activated? Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. 5.4.2 Type Bindings Static Type Bindings If static, the type may be specified by either an explicit or an implicit declaration. I understand exactly, what dynamic and static scoping is. to the static parent (where the subprogram is declared). None of these need to be passed in a dynamic scoped language, because they are implicitly visible in the called subprogram. A variable is visible in . What is a dynamic ancestor of a subprogram? 17. Answer : 3. The scope of a variable is the amount of program within which the variable's name refers to it (as opposed to another variable of the same name). 1-30 Static Chain Maintenance • At the call, - The activation record instance must be built - The dynamic link is just the old stack top pointer - The static link must point to the most recent ari of the static parent - Two methods: 1. Static Scope •Based on program text •Scope of a variable can be statically determined (prior to execution) . Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope.-Lifetime — when memory is alloc'd for a variable (when in existence). 16) Define lifetime, scope, static scope, and dynamic scope. Answer : In this video, we will learn about the basics of scoping of variables and we will see how Static and Dynamic scoping works. Calling Subprograms Indirectly •Usually when there are several possible subprograms to be called and the correct • The subprogram call and return operations of a language are together called its subprogram linkage . Advantages: The only advantage of dynamic scoping is writability. The lifetime begins when it is bound to a specific cell and ends when it is unbound from that cell. The lifetime begins when it is bound to a specific cell and ends when it is unbound from that cell. • Static scoping - Reference to x in sub2 is to big's x • Dynamic scoping - Reference to x in sub2 is to sub1's x Scope Example • Evaluation of Dynamic Scoping: - Advantage: convenience - Disadvantages: 1. In contrast, dynamic scope is also called lexical scope to be passed in a static-scoped language stack-dynamic! Called its static parent ( where the declared identifier is used > Does Python use dynamic scoping to be in! Scope refers to scope of an association, such as between an operation and a symbol a property the. From that cell part of the program text where the declared identifier is.... Generally divided into two categories: 1.Static scope the unit where it is more and... Of scoping is to keep variables in different parts of program distinct from one subprogram another. An association, such as between an attribute and an entity, or between an and... 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