disadvantages of taungya system

The taungya system is defined as a method of establishing a forest crop in temporary association with agricultural crops. It is a method of raising forest plantations in which cultivators are allowed to grow agricultural crops for initial periods of a few years. crop for a specialized number of ... c) Village Taungya: This is the most successful of all the three Taungya systems. IAHS Publications 236:463-47 Difference between shifting cultivation and taungya system: Shifting cultivation Taungya system 1. “At this stage I realised what a dynamic system it was. Main objective is to produce crops 1. to grow trees 2. it is sequential system of growing woody species and agricultural crops 2. An agroforestry system is a system of planting food that is sustainable and still does the restoration of a forest. 2. Disadvantages. List five characteristics each of. Multispecies Tree Gardens: In this system of agroforestry, various kinds of tree species are grown mixed. List and explain 5 types of vertebrate and location Agrosilvicultural systems: Trees with crops e.g. In the initial stages of an orchard or tree plantation, trees are small and widely spaced. Some disadvantages are not being able to find food when on the hunt. 1. Taungya system. For Students Only Compiled by: Mirza Hasanuzzaman, SAU www.hasanuzzaman.webs.com 2 2 Classification of Agroforestry Systems Structural basis: refers to the composition and arrangement of the components including spatial and temporal arrangement of the different components. Gumlao systems meanwhile have a tendency to develop the lineage system characteristics of gumsa-type communities 12. Agro Forestry Definition and concepts Origins Types of agroforestry systems Potential advantages and disadvantages Analogs of natural ecosystems Evaluation: Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) Nutrient, water, and energy cycling Agroforestry: basics Combination of woody perennial crops with agricultural crops and/or livestock in space or time on a single unit of land. Generally, the land belongs to the forestry departments, who allow subsistence farmers to grow their crops for two or three years. It is a method of raising forest plantations in which cultivators are allowed to raise agricultural crops for initial periods of a few years and in return they are made to raise forest plantations. Over population iii. Cutting System merges into the Clear-Felled Group or the Clear-Felled Strip System, and how, in hilly country, the cutting section could spread over the whole rotation. Location: Rusumo village. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which a person uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time … entertainment for visitors was provided. It is widely practiced in Nigeria. The former is seen in Java, where intercropping or Taungya system has been widely adopted as a tool for the establishment of plantations inside state forests. •In exchange for planting and care for trees, they are allowed to grow crops like corn or rice amongst the small trees. … General textbooks on tropical agriculture and farming systems from the 1970s do not even mention the werd (e.g, Ruthenberg, 1980; Manshard, 1974). state the advantages and disadvantages of taungya farming; explain the systems of mating in livestock management; draw and label the digestive tract of a hen; define agricultural insurance; explain different types of insurance policies for agricultural production such as specific enterprise insurance, fire insurance and life assurance. 2) Yield / Unit area is more, cost of felling and extractions is less. Since state forests are surrounded by villages in many cases, this system is expected to function as a buffer that provides food or additional income sources for the villagers. 3. There are very few downsides to agroforestry. In addition to disadvantages of the clear-felling system, except those of site deterioration and undesirability from aesthetic point of view, it has following disadvantages : Height at maturity: 25-30m. tenure system, inadequate communication systems, marketing system, farm inputs such as tools, machinery, labour and governmental attitudes. 2. In taungya system commonly annual agricultural crops are grown with forest species during early years of establishment of forest plantation. In other words, taungya farming is a management practice which involves the planting of food crops and some forest trees at the same time until the canopy of the trees close up. Natural pasture. In Burmese, it is known as ''Taungya" derived from the two words taung, a … tenure system, inadequate communication systems, marketing system, farm inputs such as tools, machinery, labour and governmental attitudes. plants) happen. Management of I/c having different cultural practices seems to be difficult task; Understanding of the concept of artificial regeneration (forest plantations) with regard to the taungya and alley cropping; Silvopastoral systems: Trees with livestock/pasture e.g. Majority of them were able to explain the term staking in yam cultivation as well as describe the nursery practices in cocoa cultivation as required in 3(a-b). Taungya System. Forest takes years to build but this method destroy them in a day for their own motives of livelihood for example in Cherrarpunji, Meghalaya this type of cultivation has turned and evergreen forest belt into a dry and brown land. Hundred percent of Dai people earn their lives by practicing shifting cultivation. Exposes animals to infectious diseases. This system has all the advantages of clear-felling system. TAUNGYA •Burmese word. Under it, local farmers are recruited by the forestry department to undertake arable farming in allocated areas within a forest reserve. So when hunter-gatherers do not find food they have to stretch their food to survive on what they have provided. better immune systems. • Taungya System • Taungya is Burmas ward meaning hill cultivation, it was introduced into-India by Dr. Brandis in 1890 and the first Taungya plantation was raised in 1896 in north Bengal. Regeneration: 1) Artificial: a) Deptt. The former is seen in Java, where intercropping or Taungya system has been widely adopted as a tool for the establishment of plantations inside state forests. It leads to the destruction of valuable forest resources such as wildlife and timber trees. Disadvantages: o It is labour intensive. For example, the Bush fallowing agriculture system is used when there is more than 33 % of available and arable and temporarily use land is cultivated . Imp.center - Imparting Knowledge and Valued Information in various section including Education, Festivals and Celebrations of India. It also reduces the rate of environmental degradation. Disadvantages of the taungya system: •Loss of soil fertility and exposure of soil •Danger of epidemics •Legal problems created Susceptibility of land to accelerated erosion increases •It is a form of exploitation of human labour. e. Regeneration. It is a short-period system (1-2 years), as it can not be sustained after the closure of the tree canopy. Disadvantages of shifting agriculture Destruction of forest is the biggest disadvantage of this type of cultivation. 18. •Letting people use land on a temporary basis. What most of us would call the Taungya System is an old and widespread European system. A lot of time and energy is usually spent by farmers in preparing fresh land for planting. (b) State two advantages of taungya system of farming to each of the following: (i) farmers; (ii) foresters. CONDITION NECESSARY FOR THE PRACTICE OF TAUNGYA SYSTEM The conditions which may favour the practice of taungya system include: i. Scarcity of land ii. #1 Labor intensive system. Form: good, self pruning, straight bole without knots, especially when grown in plantation. It is a larger version of intercropping or companion planting conducted over a longer time scale. In Liberia, an alternative way of controlling the amount of land available to each taungya farmer was introduced by the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) in 1974. Agroforestry systems can also produce more environmental services that other systems with fewer inputs and lower costs. Agro-silvopastoral systems is a collective term for land-use systems, which combine a woody component (trees or shrubs) with cattle on the same site. Advantages of Clear Felling System: 1) Simples and not require a high degree of skill in marking for felling. The labour inputs in the current study were 3–4 times higher than that reported for taungya systems in Central America but are similar to systems classified as ‘‘trees with crops’’, presumably systems on agricultural soils (Scherr and Current 1997). 7) At the end of 19 th century, forest plantation has been established adopting agroforestry systems, which is known as Taungya agroforestry system. 3) Increasing the proportion of valuable species and introducing fast growing exotics. These systems are naturally suited for harsh environments and fragile ecosystems of the tropics. 3. Clinton stresses that the system is about optimising soil use and photosynthesis through using deeper reserves of soil and intercepting more sunlight, which creates a more robust, productive and diverse system. Even so the net gains were not sufficient to replace the reforestation subsidy. contradictions within the gumsa system of ultimogeniture and the taungya system of land segmentation which together are antithetical to the consolidation of power by a Kachin chief11. 1. The multi-storey trial area on the Tepper’s property was established in 2014. Disadvantages Of Shifting Cultivation 1. But most of them could neither state the reasons for parboiling paddy rice nor state the advantages and disadvantages of taungya farming as required of them in 3(c-d). From the perspective of sustainable rural development, agroforestry is a land use and occupation system in which perennial woody … Disadvantages of the taungya system (i) Loss of soil fertility and exposure of soil (ii) Danger of epidemics (iii) Legal problems created (iv) Susceptibility of land to accelerated erosion increases (v) It is a form of exploitation of human labour. It capitalizes on the poor farmer's need for food to offer labor Functional basis: refers to the major function or role of the components, usually The Modified Taungya System (MTS) is a governmental agroforestry policy instigated to contribute to reforestation, mitigating climate change … LEY farming is a system in which grasses and legumes are cultivated in proper rotation for hay, silage and pasture to meet … Alley cropping improves farm income, crop production, and protects crops.It allows the farmer to effectively use available resources and yield more benefits. Cutting System merges into the Clear-Felled Group or the Clear-Felled Strip System, and how, in hilly country, the cutting section could spread over the whole rotation. This system often involves clearing of a piece of land followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming until the soil loses fertility. Disadvantages of the taungya system (i) Loss of soil fertility and exposure of soil (ii) Danger of epidemics (iii) Legal problems created (iv) Susceptibility of land to accelerated erosion increases (v) It is a form of exploitation of human labour. Thinning of the orchard maybe employed to allow for the establishment of alley cropping systems. Product of the plantation farming is totally dependent on international market. Taungya is a system originating in Burma. (2 marks) (e) Name two varieties of oil palm. Disadvantages of Intercropping system are: Ngara District Council/Kagera/ Tanzania Date: 15 May 2013 Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate (Experience in agroforestry extension is usually enough to assist farmers) Swietenia macrophylla is an evergreen tree native to tropical America, Mexico, and South America. Silvicultural System of Concentrated Regeneration a) Clear Felling System: i) Clear Felling System: Defined as Silvicultural System in which equal or equi-productive areas of mature crop are successively clear felled in one operation to be regenerated most frequently, artificially but sometimes naturally also. Leach sees the mountain ridge of Hpalang in It is important to realize also that disadvantages exist (Ruiz, 1983). What most of us would call the Taungya System is an old and widespread European system. (6 marks) (d) State two advantages of organic fertilizers over inorganic fertilizers. compound farming. Taungya is a land use system in which peasants are allowed to cultivate agricultural crops for the first few years between the planted seedlings of forest plantations. Agroforestry or Agroforestry System (SAF) is a system that brings together crops of agronomic importance in consortium with the forest. The final "breakthrough" of the concept can probably Alley cropping systems can be designed and established depending on the landowner objectives. Alley cropping can provide profitable opportunities for row crop farmers, hardwood timber growers, nut growers and Christmas tree growers. The most and the important disadvantage of the shifting cultivation is to cut the Forrest and the trees that are helpful for the soil erosion and that is very helpful for nature. 2. Taungya is a farming system commonly established in young teak (Tectona grandis) plantations of Indonesia. These systems represent a model of production and conservation based on silvi-culture, the practice of growing trees, complementary to pre-existing agricultural activities. Disadvantages of Taungya Farming system no protection. The traditional taungya system is the earlier and more widely practiced of the two in the tropics. When trees shade crops, they move on. Taungya system (shamba system) The Taungya system combines forestry crops and agricultural crops during the first years of establishment of the forestry plantation. It is practiced in Kerala, West Bangal, U.P., and to lesser extent in Tamil Nadu, A. P. Orissa and the north eastern hill regions. Therefore, the shifting cultivators may first be involved in Taungya cultivation and gradually efforts may be made for settled agriculture. First, farmers have to find a designated spot where they want to plant, somewhere that is close to their villages or settlements. 4. taungya (shamba system/PELIS) and alley cropping; Silvopastoral systems: Trees with livestock/pasture e.g. TAUNGYA SYSTEM; Taungya system is defined as the planting of arable crops at early stage of forest establishment and the arable crops are harvested before the trees form canopies. Growth: in a 13-year old plantation, can reach 23-25m height, 27-30cm diameter at breast height (1.3m). Its development into agri-silviculture was due to the need for ... has its own advantages and disadvantages. Taungya Farming system leads to destruction of natural forests which may result in the loss … Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which a person uses a piece of land, only to abandon or alter the initial use a short time later. Regeneration: 1) Artificial: a) Deptt. Discussion should include roles of the government, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), The disadvantages of mixed cropping systems indicated below are more apparent to those who wish to change them: difficulties of mechanisation A successful agroforestry system requires adequate knowledge, planning and periodic tree... #2 Long waiting time for payback. Introduction on Alley Cropping System in India. (2 marks) Disadvantages - The forestry sector may be reluctant to release their fertile land to farmers - There is competition for space, light, water and nutrients between arable crops and trees - Choice of crops to be planted is restricted to arable crops - … Further reading: Advantages and Disadvantages of Agroforestry Systems and Practices The ecological benefits of agroforestry Agroforestry is an environmentally-friendly land use system where numerous interactions among trees with crops, livestock and other living organisms (incl. Silvicultural System of Concentrated Regeneration a) Clear Felling System: i) Clear Felling System: Defined as Silvicultural System in which equal or equi-productive areas of mature crop are successively clear felled in one operation to be regenerated most frequently, artificially but sometimes naturally also. The plant is well known for its fast growth and adaptability. The trees regenerate naturally through seeds in their native countries, and grow luxuriantly under favorable conditions. Disadvantage of the Taungya: Agro-silvopastoral systems is a collective term for land-use systems, which combine a woody component (trees or shrubs) with cattle on the same site. Artificial pasture Biology SSS 2. Taungya: A system in which new forest plantations are established together with food and cash crops, which continue to be intercropped until shaded out by the maturing planta- ... * determine the relative advantages and disadvantages for farmers of different types of agroforestry systems under different site and resource conditions; and. plantation b) Taungya i) Deptt. Like shifting cultivation, Taungya system is a forerunner to agroforestry. Taungya. This study investigated the impact of taungya system on forest soil nutrient in the conservation of Mamu River Forest Reserve. (ii) Disadvantages of keeping livestock on free range system. Farmers grow crops in this land and take its produce until forest canopy enlarge at a level which makes traditional cropping impossible. For instance, under the "own your own crop" system, the farmer can make a lot of money in a good year, assuming he under- Since state forests are surrounded by villages in many cases, this system is expected to function as a buffer that provides food or additional income sources for the villagers. The trees regenerate naturally through seeds in their native countries, and grow luxuriantly under favorable conditions. These systems represent a model of production and conservation based on silvi-culture, the practice of growing trees, complementary to pre-existing agricultural activities. Most important are: Compaction effects on the soil are harmful but could be compen- sated for by the effect tree roots have on soil porosity, infiltration ca- pacity, and soil … The taungya system has the advantages that it provides land to grow agricultural crops, while teak trees are planted at a regular spacing of 1.8 x 1.8 m (or approximately 3,000 trees per ha), among the crops, almost free of charge. Alley cropping is the cultivation of food, forage or specialty crops between rows of trees. What is the advantage of ley farming? The taungya system basically sought a cheap source of labour for the establishment of forest tree plantations. ii. Instead of costly weeding, the underutilized area provides an additional output and income. CONDITION NECESSARY FOR THE PRACTICE OF TAUNGYA SYSTEM. Extensive system of livestock management is a system in which livestock are kept at low stocking rate with little or no provision for housing, feeding and health care. Shifting cultivation systems are ecologically viable as long as there is enough land for long (10–20 years) restorative fallow, and expectations of crop yield and the attendant standards of living are not too high. Farmers grow crops in this land and take its produce until forest canopy enlarge at a … That is why attempts at finding viable alternatives to shifting … There are very few downsides to agroforestry. However, the main disadvantage for those trying to grow trees and shrubs for profit is time. Agroforestry is never a quick “fix” because trees, unlike crops, take a long time to mature before they can really fulfill their purpose in the system. Take for example a pecan tree. trees and shrubs on pastures and multipurpose trees, fodder trees and shrubs grown on or around cropland; Agrosilvopastoral systems: Trees with both crops and livestock e.g. 3. What are the disadvantages of hunting and gathering? This was known as the taungya system and was extended to parts of British India, including Assam, where it continued until 1969 and was actively used for forest ‘regeneration’. • Shifting cultivation takes place when less than 33 % of land is cultivated in one year. trees and shrubs on pastures and multipurpose trees, fodder trees and shrubs grown on or around cropland; Agrosilvopastoral systems: Trees with both crops and … Description. In an attempt to solve these problems, the Forestry Department introduced a system of departmental taungya in 1969. It can easily lead to deforestation because when soil fertility is exhausted, farmers move on and clear another small area of the forest. all the various forms of taungya affoeestatiop systems long in practice in many tropical countries (King, 1968). 2. plantation b) Taungya i) … Coppicing ability: only in young stems, poor in old trees. agroforestry system at the same management level) is usually higher than 1, indicating that agroforestry systems are more productive than simpler agricultural systems. It is practiced in Kerala, West Bangal, U.P., and to lesser extent in Tamil Nadu, A. P. Orissa and the north eastern hill regions. Swietenia macrophylla is an evergreen tree native to tropical America, Mexico, and South America. What are the disadvantages of agroforestry? Cultivation of Selected Crops: The system only allows the farmers to rear animals and cultivate biennial crops in the forest reserves. TAUNGYA SYSTEM Taungya system is defined as the planting of arable crops at early stage of forest establishment and the arable crops are harvested before the trees form canopies. The taungya system has the advantages that it provides land to grow agricultural crops, while teak trees are planted at a regular spacing of 1.8 x 1.8 m (or approximately 3,000 trees per ha), among the crops, almost free of charge. It destroys water sheds. The system is continually changing in its physical appearance, with the early crops providing protection for the trees, followed by the trees growing and then providing shelter and cover for livestock and the crops. There are several ways of establishing alley cropping systems: Convert existing orchard into an alley cropping system by integrating agronomic or forage crops. i. Difference between shifting cultivation and bush fallowing cultivation. Alley cropping system is planting rows of trees at wide spacing with a companion crop grown in the Alleyways between the rows. Discussion should include roles of the government, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), The entrepreneurs inject substantial capital to the moribund, under-developed economy that converts it into a vibrant, dynamic economy. The taungya system is defined as a method of establishing a forest crop in temporary association with agricultural crops. Exposes animals to predators. mixed cropping: [noun] the growing of two crops (as corn and soybeans) intermingled together in the same field. b) Leased Taungya: The forest land is given on lease to the person who affects the highest money for raising Agril. In taungya system commonly annual agricultural crops are grown with forest species during early years of establishment of forest plantation. 8) This system was first started from Burma in 1850s, where teak (Tectona grandis) plantation areas were given to shifting cultivators to grow agriculture crops. Disadvantages of Taungya System: i) Creates certain legal problems ii) Exploitation of hum in labour iii) Danger of epidemic iv) Provision v) Loss and soil fertility Classification of Agro-forestry System on Socio-economic Basis January 15, 2017 In "Silviculture and Agro Forestry" 2. not as good as taste as plants. (4 marks) (c) With the aid of a diagram, describe the life cycle of yam beetle (Heteroligus metes). Commercial agroforestry has been introduced since the 1950s through the Taungya system that acts as a method to control shifting cultivation (Rahman … Ngara District Council/Kagera/ Tanzania Date: 15 May 2013 Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate (Experience in agroforestry extension is usually enough to assist farmers) There are three categories of agroforestry systems (: Agrosilvicultural systems: Trees with crops e.g. The plant is well known for its fast growth and adaptability. State 10 differences between bones and cartilage. Multispecies Tree Gardens. Ley farming keeps the soil enriched with nutrients, in addition, it increases the productivity of livestock and prevents environmental problems like soil erosion.. What is meant by lay farming? Location: Rusumo village. Besides these, it does not deteriorate the site and maintains the aesthetic beauty of the area. It is widely practiced in Nigeria. When this happens, the taungya system is unable to provide the daily food needs and livelihood of the people practicing it. Diagram of Taungya system in forest management -seasonal crop inter planted in woodlots/tree plots. Shift farming can easily cause soil erosion and desertification. The slightest price fluctuation in the international market may jeopardize the sys­tem. Diagram of Taungya system in forest management -seasonal crop inter planted in woodlots/tree plots. Systems of Management and Development of ... influence the choice of taungya in forest estate and the advantages and disadvantages of the practice are required. Taungya system is the local term of shifting cultivation in Myanmar. Be involved in Taungya cultivation and gradually efforts may be made for settled agriculture in! Adequate knowledge, planning and periodic tree... # 2 Long waiting time for payback when happens! 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disadvantages of taungya system